Buck Boost transformers are the ideal solution anytime a line voltage change in the 5-15% range is required in single phase or three phase applications.
Until now, three phase applications required multiple separate single phase Buck Boost Transformers to be wired and mounted together. Acme Electric’s new 3 Phase Auto Buck Boost Transformers remove the need for multiple separate units and provide the same great electrical advantages standard Buck Boost Transformers offer in one simple and convenient package.
These Transformers are the best economical solutions available for three phase applications, requiring only one transformer and reducing the overall footprint. Additionally, the transformers are assembled and prewired at the factory, a considerable time and installation cost savings. Acme Transformers are UL Listed with a 10 year warranty and are currently being offered in five of the most common sizes, 6, 9, 15, 30, and 45kVA in Type 3R enclosures.