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Leuze - Camera Based Ips 200i Sensor

Smallest Camera-Based Sensor on the Market!

With the IPS 200i, Leuze electronic has introduced the smallest camera-based sensor on the market for compartment fine positioning with high-bay storage devices in single-depth storage. It impresses with some powerful advantages, particularly its fast commissioning and simple alignment.

Smart is to think easy – that is the development claim of Leuze electronic for the benefit of their customers. What this means is that Leuze electronic develops only products that are easy and intuitive to commission and operate. Fast commissioning is one of the most powerful advantages that the small, camera-based IPS 200i has to offer. It is accomplished using a web-based configuration tool. Adjustments can be made directly on the device itself. An alignment system with feedback LEDs provides additional support. Due to the compact design, the IPS 200i requires only little space on the high-bay storage device. This enables quick and easy compartment fine positioning, for example in small-part container storages or also in single-depth pallet high-bay warehouses. Due to powerful, ambient-light-independent IR LED lighting, a single device can be flexibly used for the entire working range of up to 600 mm. A model with integrated heating for use in refrigerated warehouses down to -30 °C is also available. Condition monitoring with a quality score, which identifies diminishing reading capacity of the sensor early on, reduces downtime and improves the availability and cost effectiveness of the systems.

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